If you find somebody you like and friend them, pay attention to their profile. A huge waste of time.Īnother thing Squirt does is use fake profiles. They even had local phone numbers (an unblocked phone conversation being something I require before meeting. They would talk as much about Canada as where we lived. And they both had an odd characteristic - they both had random connections to Canada. These guys would hit me up, all interested, and they were local, but we could never manage to hook up. And although it's not a lot of money, $9/mo is too much for the little you get.Īlso, I got scammed by Squirt twice - they have ringers on the site to try to get and keep you interested and paying. City with a population over 4MM, I'd be lucky to see 40 guys online, but they're spread over a huge area. Squirt's just not worth it - not worth the money, not worth the hassle.